My new shoes

I have worn the same brand of tennis shoes for years.  Actually, decades.  They fit wonderfully, they lasted a long time, and they were fairly priced.

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I was in need of a new pair, so I stopped in one of the DSW shoe stores to grab a pair.  My favorite brand had no styles that were similar to the ones I had always worn.  So guess what?  I stepped way out on a limb and tried a different brand.

I couldn’t believe it.  I actually preferred the fit and loved the color.  Best of all they were only a few dollars higher than my usual brand.  

Why am I telling you about my new tennis shoes?  Because I know there are many of you who are stuck on the same brand, the same destination, the same type of travel.

I am a huge fan of “it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it”.  But I also know that I’ve had customers that I have literally begged for years to try a different resort, and when they listen to me they find they can have a much better experience than what they had previously settled for.  

In fact, one of my agents was just like that.  She went to the same type of resort year after year after year.  Finally one year I got her to join me at one of my favorite resorts.  It was about $150 higher than what she usually spent, but a huge step up from where she usually went.

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was lounging on my beach bed, enjoying that beach butler service and the view when she walked over to me.  She said “well, I am really irritated with you right now”.  Oh no!  She followed with “I can’t believe how much nicer this is than where we usually go.  I’ll never be able to go “on the cheap” again.”

I’ve told that story about one hundred times.  You never know what you are missing if you aren’t willing to give something new a try.  For a mere $75 per person, not per day, total, she had a trip that was head and shoulders above what she’d experienced before, and she loved it.

It often takes very little more money to move a trip from mediocrity into the extraordinary category.  

Take river cruises.  The fan favorite is a big step down from my favorites.  I say that with all due respect, as most people absolutely love the fan favorite.  But they love it because it’s all they know.  Just think how my favorites would blow them away.

If I can try a new brand of tennis shoes, maybe you can try something different on your next vacation.  The important thing is to communicate with us here at the agency about what you want.  We want to know what you especially enjoyed about your last vacation, and what you think could have been better.  

You just don’t know what you don’t know, until you know it.  Right?  You have to go outside of the usual, to have an experience that’s over the top.  

Your friend who is globetrotting in a new pair of shoes,
