A Day with the President
As you all know by now, I am a huge fan of the Globus Family of Brands. If you’ve joined one of my personally escorted tours they are nearly always in collaboration with one of the Globus brands.
The Joy of Travel received the amazing honor of being invited to tour Globus HQ in Littleton, CO to meet with the various department heads. Of course we gladly accepted.
You can’t imagine what happened. I still can’t believe it.
We had scheduled meetings all day ending with a brief meeting and photo op with the President of Globus.
We were just beginning our meeting with the Flight Department when in walks Scott Nisbet, the President of Globus. I thought he was just saying “hi”. Nope, he pulled up a chair and sat with us through every meeting. Every meeting.
VIP Group Department at Globus
We met with the National Account Director, the National Sales Director, the entire Group Team (with whom we work on a daily basis), the VIP Desk, the Marketing Director and team, the Avalon Director, the COO of Globus, the previously mention Air team, and managed to have some great Mexican food for lunch as a bonus. It was a fabulous day.
We were able to tell the teams everything that was going well as well as any challenging issues we faced working with their areas. It was a truly terrific give and take, with the President of the company actively engaged in what we were all sharing.
When The Joy of Travel began back in 2005 I didn’t even have the clout to get past the reservation agents. Boy, how times have changed.
Every single bit of our success is due to you. Your support, your referrals, your friendship. It is our daily endeavor to be deserving of you.
Our day with the fantastic team at the Globus Family of Brands was awe-inspiring. Each of them is dedicated to us and to you as our mutual customers. As time marches on we look forward to introducing you to the wonderful world of the Globus Family of Brands, knowing we have their amazing team standing firmly behind us.
Pam Hoffee, COO and Managing Director of Avalon Waterways, Leigh Ann Mobley, Business Manager The Joy of Travel, me, Robin Pieper BDM for Oklahoma and the Midwest with the Globus Family of Brands, and Scott Nisbet, President of the Globus Family of Brands
I think I should send them all a Christmas card, don’t you?
With sincere appreciation,