Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

Robin Pieper (Business Development Manager, Globus Family of Brands), Scott Nisbet (President of Globus), Pam Hoffee (President of Avalon), Joy Gawf-Crutchfield, Archy Arushanyan (National Director, Field Sales, Globus family of brands)

Not Just Business Partners. Friends.

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.
A circle is round, it has no end. That's how long, I will be your friend.
A fire burns bright, it warms the heart. We've been friends, from the very start.

As you know, way back when I began in 2005, I made one of the best decisions of my life. I partnered with Globus Escorted Tours and Avalon Waterways.

Globus had already been around for almost three-quarters of a century; Avalon was their brand-new baby.

I used to offer a personally escorted tour/cruise every two or three years at best. Globus/Avalon always delivered amazing experiences, and customer satisfaction rates that were through the roof. That gave me the confidence to try to grow my business in that area.

Truth be told, it’s my favorite thing to do. I love escorting my personal groups. I love a motorcoach full of friends rolling down the road together, seeing the sights, hearing the stories, absorbing the culture. Can you hear Willie Nelson in the background singing “On the Road Again?” I can.

I love sitting in the Panoramic Lounge of an Avalon ship, my home away from home, watching the world float by with full 180-degree views, living the life of Riley. What makes it even better is looking around that “living room” and seeing dozens of my friends, relishing the same thing.

As my company grew, Globus/Avalon began inviting me to their Headquarters to meet with their department heads at the end of the year. We go over what is working, what needs work, where we are headed together in the coming years.

To my utter astonishment both the President of Globus and the President of Avalon are heavily present at these meetings. They aren’t sitting in an ivory tower, in the dark about the day-to-day goings on. They are down in the trenches, making sure they know every detail r/t their companies.

The insight I gain from these meetings is invaluable. The friendships I’ve made during these trips is a true blessing. These are not just faceless voices, behind the scenes. These are real people, who are doing their absolute best to make sure our mutual Globus/Avalon experience is everything we want it to be and more.

December 2023 was no exception. I arrived, and even though Scott Nisbet and Pam Hoffee (the Presidents of Globus and Avalon) had just flown in from a big award event in New York, they took me out to an amazing steakhouse for an incredible dinner. I know how tired they must have been. I was beyond flattered.

Robin Pieper (Business Development Manager, Globus Family of Brands), Joy Gawf-Crutchfield

Joy Gawf-Crutchfield, Megan Brown (Globus), Archy Arushanyan (National Director, Field Sales, Globus family of brands), Robin Pieper (Business Development Manager, Globus Family of Brands)

The next day, I met with all department heads that are pertinent to The Joy of Travel. Wait until I tell you about the new tours the Product Team have put together. They are awesome.

Archy Arushanyan (National Director, Field Sales, Globus family of brands), Robin Pieper (Business Development Manager, Globus Family of Brands), Joy Gawf-Crutchfield

At the end of that long, eventful day, I had a private recap with Scott. We have big plans for moving forward with our partnership. One he and I are both deeply committed to.

Who gets to say that? That the President of a huge international company has their back?

I have the same relationship with Pam. She’s quite simply the best. Anyone remember “Taco Tuesday” on our Tulip Time cruise back in 2022? Pam made that happen for me.

They gave me a personal rep in Robin Pieper who has gone so far above and beyond I’d have to write a book to even scratch the surface. Her boss, and the newest member of the team, Archy Arushanyan, has proven to be another true friend offering invaluable support and insight.

I am the luckiest travel agency owner on earth. I am blessed beyond my comprehension. The quality of friendships I have made in this industry blows my mind every single day.

I wish for you old friends. Friends who have stood the test of time. And if you can find them in your professional lives, you are doubly blessed.

Your Globetrotting friend,

Joy Crutchfield